Who can apply for an award from the Fund?
Individual figure skaters, skating groups or programs can apply for an award. This includes test and competition skaters of any age, groups such as synchronized skating teams, high school skating teams and theatre on ice troupes, and skating programs such as seminars, events and competitions sponsored by skating clubs and rinks.
Is the Fund only for Washington-based skaters?
Yes, the Fund is designed to support skaters within the Washington, DC metropolitan area, including the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland.
How do I apply?
Please see our Grants page.
When are award decisions made and how will I be notified?
The WFSC/CSF committee meets twice annually, in the spring and fall, to review applications and determine awards.
Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision by U.S. mail.
Is there a minimum and maximum award amount?
Individual awards are generally limited to $1,000.
Group and program awards are generally limited to $5,000.
At its discretion, the WFSC/CSF committee may exceed these limits.
There is no minimum award amount.
Do I need to include invoices with my application?
If the award request is for services or equipment, an invoice would be helpful to justify the request. Invoices are not required, though.
Can I apply more than once?
While multiple applications from the same applicant are discouraged, there is no limit to the number of times a person, group or program may apply.
If I receive an award, am I required to use it for the purpose I applied for?
While the WFSC/CSF does not provide monitoring of awards, we strongly advise that the award be used for the purpose originally intended.
If an applicant’s status changes once the award is granted (e.g. a career-ending injury occurs, a program or event is cancelled) this should be brought to the attention of the WFSC/CSF.
Are there reporting requirements for award recipients?
Formal reporting requirements do not exist, but the WFSC/CSF appreciates learning of the outcome of the award via letter or other report.
What if I/we are unable to use the award once received?
Unused awards should be returned to the WFSC/CSF for use by other skaters in the future.
Are my contributions, even if designated for a specific skater, tax deductible?
Yes, all contributions are completely tax deductible. While you are designating the eventual recipient, your contribution is to the CSF as part of the WFSC. This is much the same way you can designate recipients when giving to the United Way.
Are there any restrictions on the size of the contribution?
No, you may make any contribution, however small or large, and it will be gratefully received by the WFSC/CSF.
What are the limits of the area that the CSF supports?
The WFSC/CSF is principally focused on supporting skating in the greater Washington DC area. We have, however, agreed to include Virginia and Maryland and will consider deserving programs and individuals in the entire DMV.
What are the limits with regard to individual skaters that CSF supports?
As a general rule the WFSC/CSF will consider skaters who are skating at the USFS Juvenile Level and are competing in Regional Qualifying Competitions. However, the WFSC/CSF will consider designated awards for a wide range of competitive skaters if their record supports consideration.
Do you have to be a member of a specific Figure Skating Club to be considered for an award and therefore eligible for a donation?
No, the history and status of the WFSC is deemed to be such that it is more important to be part of the DMV than a particular figure skating club.
Can I donate to someone in my family?
Yes, with the exception of immediate family (child of donor), however the relationship of the donor to grantee must be disclosed if such a relationship exists.